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Q1Does the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC 2021) include the lists of restricted and allowed substances in Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics (2015 Edition)?
A:Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC 2021) includes restricted ingredients and allowed preservatives, colorants, sunscreen agents and hair dyes listed in the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics(2015 Edition)
Q2What should we pay attention to the restricted and allowed substances in the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics(2015 Edition)?
A:A few restricted substances or allowed substances listed in the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics(2015 Edition)have been included in the latest version of List of Banned Cosmetic Ingredients in China (2021). For example, formaldehyde, a restricted substance in the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics(2015 Edition), has been just added to latest version of List of Banned Cosmetics Ingredients in China (2021). The NMPA is organizing a revision of the list of restricted and allowed cosmetic ingredients in the Safety and Technical Standards for Cosmetics(2015 Edition).
Q3What is the reference source of ingredient names in the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China 2021 (IECIC 2021)?
A:The standard Chinese name and INCI (International Nomenclature Cosmetic Ingredient) name/English name of cosmetic ingredients listed in Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China 2021 (IECIC 2021), refer to the Inventory of Standard Chinese Name of International Cosmetic Ingredient (2010 Edition) and the International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook (2018 Edition) compiled by the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC).
Q4What does it mean regarding the maximum historical usage in the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC 2021)?
A:The maximum historical usage in the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC 2021), is based on the maximum usage of cosmetic ingredients used in cosmetics that have been produced and sold in China, and it does not mean the maximum allowable concentration of cosmetic ingredients. The maximum historical usage can be used as one of evidences for the simplified version of cosmetic safety assessment report. If there is only the maximum historical usage of leave-on products, it can be used as a reference for rinse-off products.
Q5What does it mean regarding the mark "*" on the Chinese name of cosmetic ingredients in the IECIC 2021?
A:The Chinese names of cosmetic ingredients, marked with "*" in the IECIC 2021, are the general names for a certain category of raw materials. The name of specific raw material should be indicated when used in cosmetics. If the specific ingredient is not listed in the IECIC 2021, a proof that the specific raw material has been used in cosmetics registered or filed in China should be provided.
Q6What does it mean regarding the mark "**" on the Chinese name of cosmetic ingredients in the IECIC 2021?
A:The Chinese names of cosmetic ingredients, marked with "**" in the IECIC 2021, are not standardized ingredients and they do not have clear origins from animals or plants. If the specific ingredient is not listed in the IECIC 2021, a proof that the specific raw material has been used in cosmetics registered or filed in China should be provided. The standard name of specific raw material should be indicated when used in cosmetics. And a proof that the specific raw material has been used in cosmetics registered or filed in China should be provided.
Q7What should we pay attention to the plant extract named as ‘xxx (plant name) extract’ in the IECIC 2021?
A:If a plant extract is named as ”xxx (plant name) extract” in the IECIC 2021, the whole plant and its extracts are regarded as used ingredients in principle except when a certain part of the plant is included in the List of Banned Plant (Animal) Cosmetic Ingredients in China (2021). For example, INULA HELENIUM EXTRACT is included in the IECIC 2021, but Alanroot oil(Inula helenium L.), when used as a fragrance ingredient (CAS No. 97676-35-2)is a banned plant ingredient.
Q8What should we pay attention when searching the cosmetic ingredients in IECIC 2021?
A:A few cosmetic ingredients in the inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC 2021) do not have INCI name/English name, you can only search by Chinese name. Meanwhile there are no CAS numbers for some cosmetic ingredients, it is recommended that you search IECIC by English INCI name or Chinese name.
Q9If a cosmetic ingredient is not listed in IECIC 2021 & the Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances in China (IECSC), do we need to register the new ingredient under both cosmetic regulations and chemical regulations (MEE order 12)?
A:If you are the manufacturer or importer of the new cosmetic ingredient, you will most likely need to comply with both cosmetic regulations and chemical regulations. As some cosmetic ingredients (i.e., plant extracts) might be exempt from new chemical substance notification under MEE order 12, we suggest that you contact us (cosmetic@cirs-group.com) for further confirmation.
Q10What should we do if we have found some data inconsistencies or errors in the search results of China CosIng?
A:Please contact us (cosmetic@cirs-group.com) to report these errors. It will help us improve China CosIng, making it more useful to you and others. If there is any advice, please also feel free to contact us.
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China CosIng is a Chinese cosmetic ingredient regulatory database developed by CIRS that allows you to quickly search whether a cosmetic ingredient or substance is listed in the latest version of the Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC 2021 edition) and whether it is restricted or prohibited in cosmetic products placed on Chinese market. It also provides advanced features such as batch search and cosmetic formula evaluation assistant.
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